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The Charcuterie Board

The Charcuterie Board


Ok, here’s the deal, this is one of the funnest appetizers to make. You don’t even need to cook to look like a chef extraordinaire. On this board, I just put some homemade jams, meat and some of my favorite cheeses. Fruits are always a great addition. On the far end, we have some homemade hummus and bread. Throw on some pita and tortilla chips, and some crackers, boom you have a little something for everyone. One thing to keep in mind, make sure you have time to make, you can get a little involved and loose track of time, all in a good way. So grab a board, get your supplies that make your heart go pitter patter, and let your imagination run wild.


Heart Salad

Lamb OSSO Bocco

Lamb OSSO Bocco