Hey there!

Welcome to my blog!

Day 90 and only 10 days to go!

Holy Moly, day 90! I’m a little proud of myself. Had a dream on Friday night that I was out partying and having a great time, all up to the moment of , I blew my 100 day challenge. I was so upset with myself, then I woke a bit more and realized I was in bed, no party and no drinking. I couldn’t believe how excited I was to not have blown it. I knew I wanted to beat this challenge, until that moment, I had no idea how much it meant to myself to make the 100 days.

Life has been going really well, still doing Gigi duty two times a week, which is the coolest, our little baby girl is growing like a weed and that big personality is bigger by the day. Been getting a lot of jobs, I have to stop looking cause I need time around my own house.

Cooking has always been my passion, and that is coming back with a vengeance. Loving every minute of it. Still working on heart healthy meals and snacks for hubby, and working on a diet for myself. No point in taking care of yourself in the drinking department and not on all the rest.

I’m going to have a little celebration on my 101th day, I might drink, I might not. I have to admit, I’m a little scared to have a drink, I know I won’t have a tolerance, so I will be a cheap date. Also what if I get sick, haven’t done that in years. Don’t want to make a fool out of myself, haven’t had to worry about that for the past 90 days. I never went into this thinking I would totally give up alcohol, although this is the longest I’ve gone without drinking, I definitely have a different perspective on it too. I know I can go to a concert and not drink, have dinner parties and not partake, go to birthday parties and stay sober, and not feel like I’m missing out at all. So going into the next faze of my life, I know that having fun, a rocking time, or celebration can be done sober and that is awesome! Cheers 🥂

100 days absolutely no alcohol!

Day 76