
Hello, my name is Stacy!

I have been a stay at home mom for 20+ years to my 4 beautiful children, Jazmine, Zoya, Phoebe and Forrest. They are the apple in my eye and I’m so proud of them I could burst. I’m lucky to have my wonderful husband/bestfriend of 27 yrs who is my soulmate and was our soul income, so I could stay home with the kids and become the person I am today. Not that I’m not always working on being a better me. I think it’s important to always try to learn something new, and keep yourself involved in something so you don’t loose yourself with being a wife and a mom. I personally don’t like the words house wife as a description of what I do, I prefer Domestic Diva!! Those of us who have stayed home with our children know we have to be working at levels most would have a hard time juggling and we are paid nothing in currency. Now that my oldest is 26 and my youngest is 18, I can say the greatest rewards have been watching them grow into productive humans who are independent, kindhearted, motivated and all in all just really awesome people. That’s the huge pay off. I’m blessed!!

So with that all said, I hope with this blog I can help other stay-at-home moms with some of my ideas I had/have to keep you on a journey that helps you stay in touch with yourself. I believe if you nurture yourself, it will make you a better mom. All of my categories are about what I have done, and working towards. I love to throw parties, garden and teach myself new cooking recipes and techniques (a girl can never have to many cookbooks). So Cheers to those who want to experience some of my world. Thanks for stopping in.