How many of y’all have a blood pressure meter at your house? We have one, I got it many moons ago when I was taking care of my father in law. Anyways took hubby’s blood pressure and it was elevated, so of course let him know what he couldn’t eat, and I came up with this salad of all kinds of yumminess that he can eat, and will help lower his blood pressure.
This salad will feed 4-6 servings or like us it will be a 2 to 3 days of side dish.
Wild rice (1/2 cup rice cooked per package instructions)
4medium carrots
Drizzle olive oil
Drizzle maple syrup
2 small to medium beets
Orange peeled and diced
Pint blueberries
1 bunch kale
1/4 - 1/2 cup no salt raw pecans
1/4 cup no salt sunflower seeds
1/4 cup finely diced red onion
Feta cheese enough for a sprinkle on top
Prepare the wild rice and allow it to cool, meanwhile pull kale off the large stem and cut leaves into bite size pieces, sprinkle with no more than 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt and massage it into the kale, this can be done in the dish you plan to serve your salad in. This helps soften the kale. Boil beets until your desired tenderness, I like mine on the firm side, cool and peel skins. I like small dices of beets. If you like toasted pecans put them in an oven preheated to 375 for 5 minutes. Cut your carrots in 1/4 in slices, if carrots are on the wide side cute in half first. Put them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, give a drizzle of the olive oil and maple syrup, give a stir and put in the oven that’s preheated to 375, cook for 15 minutes and give a stir. I sample one at this point to see how crispy they are (I like mine with a softened outer layer and a crunchy middle) depending on that I will but in for another 10 to 15 minutes. Once out of the oven let cool.
Okay, we are ready to assemble, you already have your kale in, so it’s wild rice, red onion, beets, orange, blueberries, pecans ( whole or chopped) sunflower seeds and as much feta as you like. If you are not a fan of feta, Gorgonzola will work nicely too. Serve with your choice of homemade or store bought balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. Happy eating!
#heart #eatinghealthy #fruitsandveggies