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Getting my crap Together

Getting my crap Together

It’s been awhile, what the last few months have been, I don’t know about you all but keeping track of everything during the holiday season and still get your day job done is exhausting. This 2021 I have decided that I literally need to put it all on the calendar, don’t know if it’s old age creeping in, or if it’s that I no longer have kids in school so my structure has gone to the wind.

This year my main target is to make out my schedule and stick to it, so far it’s working, except for blogging as I’ve been figuring out getting my photos from google to this site, thank god for my son and youngest daughter. It’s amazing the difference when you are raised in the age of computers.

I hope everyone had a good holiday season, we had a good one, but busy. It started with Halloween so we had a get together with our germ pool, cause that’s how we have to do things these days. Then Thanksgiving, so the sour dough starter needed to be made, because I cannot make stuffing without homemade stuffing, once the table was cleared with that, it was time to pull Christmas decorations from the attic and get the house decorated. Of course the Christmas crafts and cookies need to be done. I always make my kids something for Christmas so this year it was stockings for them and their significant other, they were fun to make. I also, for the first time made some of my own Christmas decorations, so I made a Christmas gnome with my pompas blooms and feather wreaths. I love the Dollar store, I got all my supplies for the wreaths there, feather boas and wreath form, Boom something new to hang above the wood stove. Then the wrapping has to be finished and stockings need to be filled, mission complete. Christmas dinner we have prime rib roast and of course a cocktail or two. December 26th is one of my favorite days, the work has been done, the kids are happy, the husband has been spoiled, and I, I just get to sit around and enjoy the afterglow of the season, and I truly enjoy the feeling of having to do absolutely nothing for the day.

The New Year has come, time to reflect on what I want to do and get done this year. That’s how the calendar has become one of my new best friends. Now that I don’t have kids in school and knowing exactly how everyday is going to go, its easy to start to slack off. So I am making my monthly schedules at the beginning of every month. I don’t fill in the weekends, because life needs to have some level of spontaneity. It has really helped me get back to what I need to focus on and can plan my approach kinda like my lists (my husband is not to fond of them) for goal setting.

I Hope everyone has a Healthy, Happy and Productive 2021!!!

Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

Note to Self

Note to Self